Saturday, October 4, 2008

John Maynard Smith and evolution...

Game theory -- Thinking, concious, rational beings
He applies to animals as well as humans

Applied game theory to plants, insects, all aspects of life
he borrowed the mathematical notation.. the idea of the payoff matrix ( I do this, you do that)

Natural selection and design produce the same results...
One just isn't done conciously

frequency dependent selection -- the idea that the selection in favor goes to how frequent it lives in the population.
The rarer sex would have more children, and have a better chance to survive

Hawk/Dove theory -- One is like to withdraw, and the other aggressive. He shows that that, in theory, can stabelize.
He made it as a hypothetical way of looking at the problem, which was derived from game theory.

Being aggressive is a more costly thing, which can cause equilibruim.

The reasons animals fight without getting in an escelated fight, if they fought more aggressive, they would die. That is bad for the species..

He has hard times answering questions on humans, and its more difficult to test <>
Human behavior is very odd, there's lots of traits it lowers the fitness of a person

Depression, recessions, can limit reproduction .. outside factors
While genetics can change the human race, too .. many of which are common

The Evolutionary Stable Strategy -- -- simple minded idea, he came up with the theory -
If there is strategies, then the ESS, provided everyone in the population does it, there's no way to beat it.

the more cooporation in a species, the more it will do well.
Human psychology, if you put 2 people in a situation where they are playing for money, and there's no chance they will meet ...
If one of them cheated, the other person gets mad, and they will punish their opponent even if it hurts themselves

Multi-cellular life can seem so impossible from chance.. does it still seem unlikely on theoretical ground? yes, its very hard to come up with an explenation of primitive cells divide and evolve is an incredible process of meiosis.

Evolution happens in a sexual active population much quicker than random mutations...

In not so long, in evolution terms, you find intelligent species. The species looks back, and is in awe that the evolution happened

Dinosaurs were bi-pedal too, why didn't species have high intelligence? they weren't given enough time to evolve that ..

If one species evolves with high intelligence, it will stop other species from doing that as well, so you only have one dominant species

The last major transfomation wasn't language, but technology and storing information. that only took 50 yrs, what is it going to look like in 500 years? could we be replaced by electronic organisations? it will depend on us letting them and how they do without our electroic aid.

As far as darwin, its hard to picture a species changing by environmental means. He thinks there's more to it than that .. but a strong conflict between Marx's view <> are a result of society and our role in the economy. Vs human beings are a product of million of years of being and evolution.

darwinsim is hard, because he says there is no higher purpose in the universe. And its hard, because we don't know what it means to have a higher purpose. this feeling is a product of humans, not a product of the universe. People create their own meaning.

Darwinsim helps with understanding of the world, with an intelligent interest.

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