Monday, September 22, 2008

Spooky Physics -- Einstein Bohr Debates...

Our brains have adapted and evolved so we don't understand or comprehend high or low levels of thinking, just enough to know about survival and staying alive. A man's brain is never static, thus the world is never static as well.

Neutonian physics - holds true that with time and momentum, things on earth and the universe can be predictable by applying one principal to the many. However, in smaller quantas of energy, the theory breaks down.

Once you get a measure on either the electrons speed or momentum, you lose information about the other. the radar, or measuring device is changing either the electrons speed or momentum when it hits the electron, therefore you can never fully know where a single packet of energy is at any given time

The smallest bundle of energy, or proton is the smallest thing you can break down, just like a penny is the smallest currency. Nature decided that, which is why you can never fully know the location of a single electron (also known as Plank's constant)

This questioned Einsteins accomplishments of light being a wave. Is it a wave, or particle, or both?

The light experiment, done by Feynman in the late 1960's, shows that when you have 2 slits open, light acts as a wave and transmits through both slits, But when one dot is open, light acts as bundles of energy, and becomes particles to transmit itself

Schrodingers cat -- Particles can be in two positions at once. Like the cat experiment, the cat can be both alive or dead, you just don't know the outcome until you move the curtain, then you determined the state of the particles.

Objective reality -- does the moon exist if we aren't looking at it? Traditional quantum physicists say no, there is no reality beyond what we observe.

Einstien - I dont like quantum physics, if we aren't measuing an atom, we know it is moving and spinning ... Therefore, if we aren't looking at the moon, we still know its there

"There was no phenomena, unless it is an observed phenomena"

"Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory must not have understood it"

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